A. A. Rakhimov
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Projectionless real $C^*$-algebras
Abdugafur Rakhimov, Feruza Rashidova
MFAT 28 (2022), no. 2, 144-149
In this paper the projectionless real $C^*$-algebras are
investigated. Following construction of [4] a real
$C^*$-algebra is constructed, which is separable, simple, nuclear,
nonunital, and contains no nonzero projections. It is proved that a
real $C^*$-algebra is projectionless if and only if the enveloping
$C^*$-algebra is projectionless. An example of a projectionless
real Banach ${}^*$-algebra with the $C^*$-property is constructed,
the complexification of which contains a non-trivial projection.
В роботі досліджено безпроекційні дійсні
$C^*$-алгебри. Використовуючи результати [4], побудовано дійсну
$C^*$-алгебру, яка є сепарабельною, простою, ядерною, неунітальною,
і яка не містить ненульових проекторів. Доведено, що дійсна
$C^*$-алгебра є безпроекційною тоді і тільки тоді, коли огортуюча
$С^*$-алгебра є безпроекційною. Побудовано приклад безпроекційної
дійсної банахової ${}^*$-алгебру із властивістю $C^*$,
комплексифікіція якої містить нетривіальний проектор.
Strong base for fuzzy topology
MFAT 17 (2011), no. 4, 350-355
It is known that a base for a traditional topology, or for a $L$-topology, $\tau$, is a subset ${\mathcal B}$ of $\tau$ with the property that every element $G\in \tau$ can be written as a union of elements of ${\mathcal B}$. In the classical case it is equivalent to say that $G\in \tau$ if and only if for any $x\in G$ we have $B\in {\mathcal B}$ satisfying $x\in B \subseteq G$. This latter property is taken as the foundation for a notion of strong base for a $L$-topology. Characteristic properties of a strong base are given and among other results it is shown that a strong base is a base, but not conversely.
On mixing and completely mixing properties of positive $L^1$-contractions of finite real W* -algebras
MFAT 16 (2010), no. 3, 259-263
We consider a non-commutative real analogue of Akcoglu and Sucheston's result about the mixing properties of positive L$^1$-contractions of the L$^1$-space associated with a measure space with probability measure. This result generalizes an analogous result obtained for the L$^1$-space associated with a finite (complex) W$^*$-algebras.
Actions of finite groups on the hyperfinite real type II$_1$ factor
MFAT 4 (1998), no. 3, 72-83