Vol. 16 (2010), no. 1

Hereditary properties of hyperspaces

R. B. Beshimov

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 1-5


In this paper, we investigate hereditary properties of hyperspaces. Our basic cardinals are the Suslin hereditary number, the hereditary $\pi$-weight, the Shanin hereditary number, the hereditary density, the hereditary cellularity. We prove that the hereditary cellularity, the hereditary $\pi$-weight, the Shanin hereditary number, the hereditary density, the hereditary cellularity for any Eberlein compact and any Danto space and their hyperspaces coincide.

The integration by parts formula in the Meixner white noise analysis

N. A. Kachanovsky

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 6-16


Using a general approach that covers the cases of Gaussian, Poissonian, Gamma, Pascal and Meixner measures on an infinite- dimensional space, we construct a general integration by parts formula for analysis connected with each of these measures. Our consideration is based on the constructions of the extended stochastic integral and the stochastic derivative that are connected with the structure of the extended Fock space.

Operators defined on $L_1$ which "nowhere" attain their norm

I. V. Krasikova, V. V. Mykhaylyuk, M. M. Popov

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 17-27


Let $E$ be either $\ell_1$ of $L_1$. We consider $E$-unattainable continuous linear operators $T$ from $L_1$ to a Banach space $Y$, i.e., those operators which do not attain their norms on any subspace of $L_1$ isometric to $E$. It is not hard to see that if $T: L_1 \to Y$ is $\ell_1$-unattainable then it is also $L_1$-unattainable. We find some equivalent conditions for an operator to be $\ell_1$-unattainable and construct two operators, first $\ell_1$-unattainable and second $L_1$-unattainable but not $\ell_1$-unattainable. Some open problems remain unsolved.

Dimension stabilization effect for the block Jacobi-type matrix of a bounded normal operator with the spectrum on an algebraic curve

Oleksii Mokhonko, Sergiy Dyachenko

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 28-41


Under some natural assumptions, any bounded normal operator in an appropriate basis has a three-diagonal block Jacobi-type matrix. Just as in the case of classical Jacobi matrices (e.g. of self-adjoint operators) such a structure can be effectively used. There are two sources of difficulties: rapid growth of blocks in the Jacobi-type matrix of such operators (they act in $\mathbb C^1\oplus\mathbb C^2\oplus\mathbb C^3\oplus\cdots$) and potentially complicated spectra structure of the normal operators. The aim of this article is to show that these two aspects are closely connected: simple structure of the spectra can effectively bound the complexity of the matrix structure. The main result of the article claims that if the spectra is concentrated on an algebraic curve the dimensions of Jacobi-type matrix blocks do not grow starting with some value.

On the number of negative eigenvalues of a Schrodinger operator with $\delta$ interactions

Osamu Ogurisu

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 42-50


We give necessary and sufficient conditions for a one-dimensional Schrodinger operator to have the number of negative eigenvalues equal to the number of negative intensities in the case of $\delta$ interactions.

Algebraically admissible cones in free products of $*$-algebras

Stanislav Popovych

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 51-56


It was proved in~\cite{Pop09b} that a $*$-algebra is $C^*$-representable, i.e., $*$-isomorphic to a self-adjoint subalgebra of bounded operators acting on a Hilbert space if and only if there is an algebraically admissible cone in the real space of Hermitian elements of the algebra such that the algebra unit is an Archimedean order unit. In the present paper we construct such cones in free products of $C^*$-representable $*$-algebras generated by unitaries. We also express the reducing ideal of any algebraically bounded $*$-algebra with corepresentation $\mathcal F/\mathcal J$ where $\mathcal F$ is a free algebra as a closure of the ideal $\mathcal J$ in some universal enveloping $C^*$-algebra.

On decompositions of the identity operator into a linear combination of orthogonal projections

S. Rabanovich, A. A. Yusenko

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 57-68


In this paper we consider decompositions of the identity operator into a linear combination of $k\ge 5$ orthogonal projections with real coefficients. It is shown that if the sum $A$ of the coefficients is closed to an integer number between $2$ and $k-2$ then such a decomposition exists. If the coefficients are almost equal to each other, then the identity can be represented as a linear combination of orthogonal projections for $\frac{k-\sqrt{k^2-4k}}{2} < A < \frac{k+\sqrt{k^2-4k}}{2}$. In the case where some coefficients are sufficiently close to $1$ we find necessary conditions for the existence of the decomposition.

Inverse theorems in the theory of approximation of vectors in a Banach space with exponential type entire vectors

S. Torba

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 69-82


An arbitrary operator $A$ on a Banach space $X$ which is a generator of a $C_0$-group with a certain growth condition at infinity is considered. A relationship between its exponential type entire vectors and its spectral subspaces is found. Inverse theorems on the connection between the degree of smoothness of a vector $x\in X$ with respect to the operator $A$, the rate of convergence to zero of the best approximation of $x$ by exponential type entire vectors for operator $A$, and the $k$-module of continuity with respect to $A$ are established. Also, a generalization of the Bernstein-type inequality is obtained. The results allow to obtain Bernstein-type inequalities in weighted $L_p$ spaces.

Positive definite kernels satisfying difference equations

S. M. Zagorodnyuk

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MFAT 16 (2010), no. 1, 83-100


We study positive definite kernels $K = (K_{n,m})_{n,m\in A}$, $A=\mathbb Z$ or $A=\mathbb Z_+$, which satisfy a difference equation of the form $L_n K = \overline L_m K$, or of the form $L_n \overline L_m K = K$, where $L$ is a linear difference operator (here the subscript $n$ ($m$) means that $L$ acts on columns (respectively rows) of $K$). In the first case, we give new proofs of Yu.M. Berezansky results about integral representations for $K$. In the second case, we obtain integral representations for $K$. The latter result is applied to strengthen one our result on abstract stochastic sequences. As an example, we consider the Hamburger moment problem and the corresponding positive matrix of moments. Classical results on the Hamburger moment problem are derived using an operator approach, without use of Jacobi matrices or orthogonal polynomials.

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